Recommended Action:
1) Approve a three-year agreement with Amergroup Inc. dba American Security Group for an
amount not to exceed $68,000;
2) Authorize the exemption from bidding requirements; and
3) Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement with American Security Group.
Recommended Action:
1) Waive full reading and adopt, by a four-fifths vote, Urgency Ordinance No. U-596-23
entitled: An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Murrieta, California,
Reinstating Urgency Ordinance No. U-590-23, Amending Title 16 of the Murrieta
Municipal Code to Revise the City’s Development Code, to Implement Multi-Family
Residential and Mixed-Use Residential Objective Design Standards;
2) Find that said actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) as this item meets the required actions of CEQA Guidelines Section 15183,
Projects Consistent with a Community Plan or Zoning, because the Urgency
Ordinance directs staff to adopt and implement design standards which will not
cause a significant environmental impact and implements a uniformly applied
development policy or standard that is consistent with the General Plan draft
Housing Element policy to further regulate multi-family residential development; and
3) Direct City staff to prepare, execute, and file with the Riverside County Clerk a notice
of exemption within five (5) working days of the adoption of this Ordinance.
Recommended Action:
Conduct the second reading by title only and with further reading waived, adopt Ordinance No.
595-23 entitled: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Murrieta, California, Amending
Title 16 of the Murrieta Municipal Code to Revise the CIty's Development Code, to Implement
Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Residential Objective Design Standards and a
Ministerial Development Plan Permit Process for Certain Qualifying Projects.
Recommended Action:
1) Accept the Public Improvements in Tract Map 28532-3 located east of Whitewood Road
and north of Triple C Ranch Road; and
2) Direct the Public Works Department to perform continued maintenance on the
aforementioned public improvements in conformity with the City of Murrieta’s maintenance
Recommended Action:
1) Accept the Public Improvements in Tract Map 28532-5 located East of Whitewood Road,
West of Menifee Road, and south of Keller Road; and
2) Direct the Public Works Department to perform continued maintenance on the
aforementioned public improvements in conformity with the City of Murrieta’s maintenance