Recommended Action:
1) Hold Public Hearing No. 4, to receive input and testimony;
2) Conduct the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 594-23 entitled: An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Murrieta, California, Amending Section 1.21.030 of the Murrieta
Municipal Code and Adopting Revised District Voting Boundaries, into District 1; and
3) Direct the City Clerk to fulfill any administrative requirements in accordance with the law.
Recommended Action:
1) Adopt Resolution No. 23-4703 entitled: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Murrieta, California, Declaring A City-Owned Parcel as Exempt Surplus and Approving the
Sale of City-Owned Real Property Located Northwest of the Intersection of Clinton Keith
Road and McElwain Road, Murrieta, CA (APN: 392-270-005) to Ashdon Development for
2) Authorize the City Manager to direct and execute all related escrow, closing, and
similar documents necessary to finalize the sale of the Property upon conclusion of
the 30-day notice period to Housing and Community Development; and
3) Amend the Fiscal Year 2023/24 Operating Budget to Appropriate Budget for the Sale
of Land and Escrow Expenses.
Recommended Action:
1) Introduce Ordinance No. 595-23 for the final revised Multi-Family Residential
and Mixed-Use Residential Objective Design Standards and code amendments
related to Development Code sections 16.08.040, 16.56.020 and 16.56.025 entitled:
An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Murrieta, California, Amending Title
16 of the Murrieta Municipal Code to Revise the City’s Development Code, to
Implement Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Residential Objective Design
Standards and A Ministerial Development Plan Permit Process for Certain
Qualifying Projects; and
2) Find that the adoption of the ordinance, including the final revised Objective Design
Standards and code amendments, are exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) as the ordinance meets the required actions of CEQA
Guidelines Section 15183 - Projects Consistent with a Community Plan or Zoning,
since the ordinance directs staff to adopt and implement objective design standards
and a ministerial permit process, provided future approvals will not result in a
significant environmental impact and implements a uniformly applied development
policy or standards that is consistent with Murrieta General Plan Housing Element
policy to further regulate Multi-Family Residential and Mixed-Use Residential
Governing Body Announcements is the opportunity for the City Council to provide
miscellaneous reports and announcements. Announcements shall not exceed two minutes.
The City Clerk will use the computerized timer.