FROM: Diego Chavez, Administrative Services Director
PREPARED BY: Michelle Tamez, Human Resources Analyst
SUBJECT: Consider Adoption of Resolution for CalPERS 180-Day Wait Period
Exception for Post-Retirement Employment - Extra Help Public
Safety Dispatch Services
Adopt Resolution No. 23-4705, entitled: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Murrieta, California, for CalPERS 180-Day Wait Period Exception - Government Code Sections 7522.56 & 21224.
Provide a high level of innovative public safety.
The City of Murrieta’s Public Safety Communications Center (Communications Center) provides dispatch services to the Murrieta Police Department, Menifee Police Department, and Murrieta Fire & Rescue. Providing law enforcement dispatch to two police departments, in addition to fire and emergency medical dispatch services, is a unique operation. It requires employees skilled to handle police and fire calls across two jurisdictions.
The Communications Center had to double its Public Safety Dispatcher staffing when it began providing dispatch services for the City of Menifee’s Police Department in July 2020. However, the Communications Center is yet to be fully staffed due to difficulties in hiring dispatchers who can work both police and fire calls for service. Applicants typically have experience in one function and must undergo extensive training in the other once hired. Limited dispatch training officers, the COVID-19 pandemic, and a training program that can last up to a year have also contributed to staffing challenges for the Communications Center.
Currently, the Communications Center has eight (8) vacant dispatcher positions, 25% of the authorized staffing level. The vacancies and the critical nature of the work have led to required overtime and limited days off for the team, as minimum staffing levels need to be maintained 24 hours per day to ensure timely police, fire, and emergency response.
This past year, a great deal of effort has been made to meet the staffing requirements of the Communications Center. The City of Murrieta (City) broadened the qualifications for the Public Safety Dispatcher to include experience in either police or fire settings, introduced an ongoing open recruitment, reduced the minimum staffing level, and developed new recruitment strategies to encourage prospective candidates.
Due to the critical need for the City to have sufficient public safety dispatch coverage as explained above, staff recommends that the City Council consider adopting Resolution No. 23-4705 (Attachment 1) authorizing post-retirement employment for a Communications Center retiree, Linda Cobos, who recently retired from the City as a Dispatch Supervisor on August 26, 2023. Ms. Cobos has extensive professional experience as a Public Safety Dispatcher and has the specialized skills needed to perform the additional dispatch tasks for the City as a retired annuitant.
CalPERS enforces strict rules related to working after retirement, which includes allowing post-retirement employment with a PERS agency to commence no earlier than 180-days after the retirement date. However, there is an exception to this rule if the employer certifies the nature of employment, and the appointment is necessary to fill a critical position sooner than 180-days. Resolution No. 23-4705, if approved, would certify that there is a significant need for further public safety dispatch support, based on the ongoing need for adequate staffing and timely public safety response. In addition, the Resolution would allow the City to immediately employ Ms. Cobos as a retired annuitant for a limited duration. Staff has confirmed with CalPERS that in this situation, employment can be made to provide extra assistance under Government Code Section 21224.
Ms. Cobos is willing to work part-time in the Communications Center, performing extra dispatch work while the City continues to fill Public Safety Dispatcher vacancies. The hourly wage of $39.67, is within the pay range for the classification with job duties most comparable to those Ms. Cobos will be performing, Public Safety Dispatcher II ($32.62-$39.67). In accordance with CalPERS working after retirement rules, no benefits shall be provided, and the maximum number of part time hours per fiscal year, shall not exceed 960.
The fiscal impact associated with a part-time Dispatch Supervisor position is approximately $38,082, based on the maximum number of allowable hours per fiscal year, which is 960. Salary savings as a result of ongoing vacancies of this position will be used to cover the cost associated with this position.
1) Resolution No. 23-4705