FROM: Cristal McDonald, City Clerk
PREPARED BY: Kimberly Ramirez, Deputy City Clerk
SUBJECT: Murrieta Hills Specific Plan - City Council Voting District
Hold a public hearing to receive input and testimony; and
Introduce and conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 594-23 entitled: An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Murrieta, California, Amending Section 1.21.030 of the Murrieta
Municipal Code and Adopting Revised District Voting Boundaries, into District 1.
On December 7, 2021, the City Council adopted Ordinance Nos. 569-21, 570-21, and 571-21 approving the Murrieta Hills Project (Vote: 5-0).
On February 15, 2022, a public hearing of the redistricting process was held to receive public input on Revised Draft Map B and introduced Ordinance 572-22 (Vote: 5-0).
On March 1, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 572-22 (Vote 5-0).
On August 1, 2023, the City Council held a public hearing to receive input on the City Council voting district boundaries relating to the Murrieta Hills Specific Plan Annexation.
Maintain a high performing organization that values fiscal sustainability, transparency, accountability and organizational efficiency.
The City of Murrieta (City) comprises five single-member electoral districts. In 2021/22, after the federal decennial census and under the Fair And Inclusive Redistricting for Municipalities and Political Subdivisions (FAIR MAPS) Act (AB 849), the City Council held eight redistricting public hearings. On March 1, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 572-22, updating City Council district voting boundaries.
Pursuant to the California Elections Code (EC), after redistricting, a city council shall not adopt new council district boundaries until after the next federal decennial census, except under the following circumstances: 1) court order; 2) the council is settling a legal claim that its boundaries violate the U.S. Constitution, the federal Voting Rights Act; or 3) the boundaries of the city change by the addition of territory due to annexation or by the subtraction of territory. (EC §21605(3))
Annexation of Murrieta Hills Specific Plan
On November 16, 2021, the City Council certified the Environmental Impact Report and approved the Murrieta Hills Specific Plan Amendment (MHSP) with 2nd reading and adoption on December 7, 2021. The 972-acre project (Figure 1) is to provide 522 single-family residential lots, 228 multi-family units, 18 acres of commercial property, a public park, and an extension of McElwain Road.
In December of 2022, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) formally approved annexing the non-populated property from the County of Riverside into the City of Murrieta. The next step for staff is to amend our General Plan maps to show the expansion of our City boundary.
The MHSP will be developed in three phases:
Phase 1 (2024): 300 dwelling units.
Phase 2 (2028): 450 remaining dwelling units and 50% commercial square footage.
Phase 3 (2031): Full buildout.
Since the annexation adds territory to the City, state law specifies that the City Council shall add the new territory to the nearest existing council district without changing the boundaries of other council district boundaries. (EC §21603(a))
The FAIR MAPS Act, enacted in 2019, provides the process and criteria for evaluating and adjusting the boundaries, if applicable. The FAIR MAPS Act requires the City to consider the below criteria ranked in order, to the extent practicable:
Criterion No. 1 Compliance with the U.S. and CA Constitutions;
Criterion No. 2 Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Act;
Criterion No. 3 Contiguity;
Criterion No. 4 Respect for local neighborhoods and Communities of Interest;
Criterion No. 5 Boundaries should be easily identifiable and understandable by residents;
Criterion No. 6 Compactness; and
Criterion No. 7 Do not favor or discriminate against political parties.
The annexed property is adjacent to Districts 1 and 2 (Figure 2); additionally, the property is undeveloped, resulting in no population demographics being available. However, because the MHSP will eventually result in an added population, City staff reviewed the City’s current boundaries and recommends the annexed property be absorbed by District 1. Specifically, the distinct separation between both districts is the I-215 freeway; the annexed property position is east of the I-215 along with existing District 1; there is an expected shared main road (McElwain Road) with District 1; and the development occurring under the MHSP will likely have shared community interests. Accordingly, District 1 is the most appropriate designation until the City reviews its boundaries during the next decennial census.
Public Hearings
On August 1, 2023, the City held a public hearing to receive public input. No testimony was received.
At the time of publishing this agenda report, the City is scheduled to hold a second public hearing in the form of a community workshop on Friday, August 11, 2023,* to provide information and receive input on the proposed boundary for the Murrieta Hills Specific Plan territory. If applicable, public input received at the workshop will be provided and available at the August 15, 2023, City Council meeting.
Next Steps
The second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 594-23 is scheduled for September 5, 2023.
Upon City Council approval, the City Clerk will transmit the City Council action to the County of Riverside Registrar of Voters (ROV) to allow the ROV sufficient time to finalize boundaries for the November 7, 2023, elections. The City’s next regular municipal election is November 5, 2024. The City is not expected to adjust voting districts until the next decennial census in 2030.
1) Proposed Ordinance No. 594-23 with Draft Map A