FROM: Cristal McDonald, City Clerk
PREPARED BY: Cristal McDonald, City Clerk
City Council Subcommittees and Appointment of City Affiliated Boards and Commissions
Review and discuss the current list of appointments to City Council Subcommittees and City Affiliated Agencies/Organizations and reaffirm or update as needed;
Appoint delegates/representatives and alternates to the City Council Subcommittees and City Affiliated Agencies/Organizations; and
Consider and provide direction to City staff as appropriate.
On August 15, 2023, the City Council amended the Legislative Workgroup Subcommittee's membership to amend the non-Mayor member's membership from quarterly rotating to standing (Vote: 5-0).
On October 17, 2023, the Town Square Park Amphitheater Subcommittee automatically sunsetted upon recommendation to the City Council of a third-party special event management vendor.
On January 16, 2024, the City Council appointed City Council representatives to various agencies and committees (Vote: 5-0).
On April 2, 2024, the City Council created and appointed representatives to a Code Enforcement Policy Subcommittee (Vote: 5-0).
On September 17, 2024, the City Council created and appointed representatives to a Los Alamos Hills Sports Park Phase 2 Subcommittee (Vote: 5-0).
Maintain a high performing organization that values fiscal sustainability, transparency, accountability and organizational efficiency.
According to Resolution No. 19-4178, Adopting the Rules of Procedure for City Council Meetings, the City Council will appoint Council Members to various agencies and boards.
The City of Murrieta (City) currently has five (5) active subcommittees to address various topics and issues relevant to the City. Subcommittees are either ad-hoc or standing. Both ad-hoc and standing committees are a subsidiary body of the legislative body.
An ad-hoc committee serves a limited/single purpose, is not perpetual, and dissolves when the specific task is complete. An ad-hoc committee consists solely of less than a quorum of the legislative body and does not have continuing subject matter jurisdiction nor a meeting schedule fixed by formal action; therefore, the requirements of the Brown Act do not apply. A standing committee also consists solely of less than a quorum of the legislative body, which generally serves for purposes of some continuing subject matter jurisdiction or has a meeting schedule fixed by the legislative body; therefore, standing committees are subject to the Brown Act.
The responsibility of each representative goes beyond meeting attendance. According to City Council Policy 100-20, City Council Ad-Hoc Subcommittee and Intergovernmental Agency Reporting, it is the responsibility of those representatives to report on activities and votes/positions taken by such agencies and subcommittees.
The five (5) active City Council Subcommittees are as follows:
Review Subcommittees and Appoint Members to Applicable City Subcommittees
Name |
Type (Ad-Hoc/Standing) & Purpose |
Current Membership |
Support Staff |
Code Enforcement Policy |
Ad-Hoc: Work with City staff to review the Municipal Code and applicable policies and procedures related to Code Enforcement; provide recommendations to the City Council on changes to Code Enforcement protocols. Automatically sunsets upon final recommendations of Code Enforcement protocols. [Minute Order 04-02-24] |
Council Member Stone (Appointed 04/02/24) Council Member Holliday (Appointed 04/02/24) Two City Council Members appointed by the City Council. |
City Manager Designee |
Note: The Code Enforcement Policy Ad-Hoc Subcommittee has met several times since its formation in April 2024. The Subcommittee has identified recommendations, which will be brought to the full City Council for public discussion and consideration during the first quarter of Calendar Year 2025. |
Commission Appointments |
Ad-Hoc: A two-member City Council subcommittee, with a voluntary rotation of members, will interview all applicants. The Subcommittee will utilize the applications, supplemental questionnaires, and uniform interview questions to assist in the selection process. Following the conclusion of the interviews, the Subcommittee will make recommendations that will come to the City Council for a vote. [Minute Order 01-17-23 and 01-31-22; City Council Policy No. 100-07; Resolution No. 09-2406] |
Council Member DeForest (Appointed 1/17/24) Council Member Holliday (Reappointed 1/17/24; Appointed 1/16/24) Membership shall be on a yearly rotation, which the City Clerk will determine based on previous membership, interest, and random draw. |
City Clerk |
Note: The Commission Ad-Hoc Subcommittee interviewed interested applicants and provided recommendations to the City Council, which will appoint members on January 21, 2025. |
Homeless Services |
Ad-Hoc: Formally structure the Riverside Homeless Alliance and advocate on behalf of the City of Murrieta for a new behavioral health campus in Southwest Riverside County. The Homeless Services Ad-Hoc Subcommittee will sunset once the Riverside Homeless Alliance is formally organized (such as through a Joint Powers Agency). [Minute Order 01-17-23; Resolution No. 22-4549] |
Council Member Stone (Reppointed 1/16/24; Reappointed 1/17/23; Appointed 4/19/22) Mayor Pro Tem Levell (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Two City Council Members appointed by the City Council. |
City Manager Designee |
Note: The Homeless Services Ad-Hoc Subcommittee has not met due to a lack of official business. However, there may be a need to expand the purpose related to a four-city homeless collaborative. |
Legislative Workgroup |
Standing: Work with the City Manager's Office to review and revise the Legislative Platform before Council adoption, meet with area legislators, review and evaluate lobbyists, and, in the future (if funds are available), travel to Sacramento and Washington D.C. annually. [Minute Order 01/16/24, 01/31/22 and 08/15/23; Resolution No. 08-2122] |
State Representatives: Council Member Stone (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 8/15/23) Mayor Warren (Appointed 1/16/24) Federal Representatives: Council Member DeForest (Reppointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Mayor Pro Tem Levell (Appointed 1/16/24) Representatives are appointed by the City Council. Membership shall be comprised of two City Council Members as State representatives; and two City Council Members as Federal representatives. The Mayor shall serve as one representative. |
City Manager Designee |
Note: For consistency, clear communication, and in the event City interests overlap between being State and Federal matters, staff recommends that the City Council consider returning to the pre-2023 structure of the Legislative Work Group to be the Mayor and a second representative to work on both Federal and State legislative matters. In 2023, the Legislative Work Group was comprised of the Mayor and a quarterly rotation of the remaining Council Members. |
Los Alamos Hills Sports Park Phase 2 |
Ad-Hoc: Work with City staff to review the options and feasibility of soccer fields in an alternative City park; provide recommendations to the City Council on the direction of the Los Alamos Sports Park Phase 2 based on the environmental requirements and feasibility. Automatically sunsets upon final recommendations to the City Council. [Minute Order 09-17-24] |
Mayor Pro Tem Levell (Appointed 9/17/24) Council Member Holliday (Appointed 9/17/24) Two City Council Members appointed by the City Council. |
City Manager Designee |
Note: The Los Alamos Hills Sports Park Phase 2 Ad-Hoc Subcommittee has met since its formation. It is discussing the next steps to lobby Riverside Conservation Authority (RCA) to determine criteria refinement. |
Appoint Representatives to City Affiliated Agencies/Organizations
In addition to the City Council Subcommittees, City Council Members participate in intergovernmental agencies and organizations whose scope and impact intersect with the City. As previously noted, those representatives are responsible for reporting activities and votes/positions taken by such agencies and subcommittees.
*Per FPPC Regulation 18702.5, the following appointed positions may receive compensation.
Name |
Purpose |
Current Members |
Additional Information |
Animal Control Joint Powers Authority |
A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) created the Southwest Communities Finance Authority to finance the construction of a new animal shelter and contracting for operation. |
Delegate: Mayor Pro Tem Levell (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Alternate: Council Member DeForest (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Staff Liaison: City Manager Designee |
Meetings: every quarter. |
City Selection Committee (Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)) |
The Selection Committee chooses two members of the city councils of all the cities in the County to serve as LAFCO members. |
Delegate: Council Member Holliday (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Alternate: Council Member DeForest (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Staff Liaison: City Clerk |
Meetings: during LAFCO's city selection process. |
League of California Cities |
The League of California Cities was founded in 1898. The League of California Cities defends and expands local control through advocacy efforts in the Legislature, at the ballot box, in the courts, and through strategic outreach that informs and educates the public, policymakers, and opinion leaders. |
Delegate: Council Member Stone (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Alternate: Mayor Warren (Reappointed 1/17/23; Reappointed 1/17/23; Appointed 8/16/22) Staff Liaison: City Clerk |
Meetings: during the League of California Cities Annual Conference. |
Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) (Western Riverside County)* |
A JPA of various Riverside County cities for the purpose of acquiring, administering, operating, and maintaining land and facilities for ecosystem conservation and habitat reserves for certain rare, threatened, and endangered species covered by the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat 11 Conservation Plan. |
Delegate: Council Member Holliday (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Alternate: Council Member Stone (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Staff Liaison: Deputy Development Services Director |
Meetings: Monthly (First Monday). *$100 per meeting (not exceeding four monthly meetings); IRS mileage. |
Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency (RCHCA)* |
A JPA agency comprised of various Riverside County cities for acquisition, administration, operation and maintenance of land and facilities for ecosystem conservation and habitat reserves. |
Delegate: Council Member DeForest (Reappointed 1/16/24; Reappointed 1/17/23, 1/31/22; Appointed 12/15/20) Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Levell (Appointed 1/16/24) Staff Liaison: Deputy Development Services Director |
Meetings: Quarterly. *$100 per meeting; IRS mileage. |
Riverside City Transportation Commission (RCTC) Board* |
An agency governed by Riverside County elected representatives which plans and implements transportation and transit improvements, assists local governments with money for local streets and roads, helps smooth the way for commuters and goods movement, and ensures that everyone has access to transportation. |
Delegate: Mayor Warren (Reappointed 1/16/24; Reappointed 1/17/23; Appointed 1/31/22) Alternate: Council Member Stone (Appointed 1/16/24) Staff Liaison: Public Works Director |
Meetings: Monthly (Second Wednesday). *$100 per meeting (not exceeding four monthly meetings); IRS mileage. |
Riverside Transit Agency (RTA)* |
A JPA agency, joined by the City in 1993 to initiate fixed routes and other transit service studies with RTA staff. |
Delegate: Mayor Warren (Reappointed 1/16/24; Reppointed 1/17/23; Appointed 1/31/22) Alternate: Council Member Stone (Appointed 1/16/24) Staff Liaison: Public Works Director/Engineer |
Meetings: Monthly (Fourth Thursday). *$150 per meeting (not exceeding four monthly meetings); IRS mileage. |
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)* |
A JPA established as an association of local governments and agencies that voluntarily convene as a forum to address regional issues. |
Delegate: Mayor Pro Tem Levell (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Alternate: Council Member Stone (Reappointed 1/16/24; Reappointed 1/17/23; Appointed 1/31/22) Staff Liaison: Development Services Director and City Clerk |
Meetings: Monthly (1st Thursday). *$120 per meeting (not to exceed four meetings a month). *SCAG subcommittee members can also receive the stipend when they attend workshops or other business activities that occur on a different day from the general meeting. |
Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG)* |
A JPA was joined by the City in 1994. The Council of Governments seeks to provide cooperative planning, coordination, and technical assistance on mutual concerns that cross jurisdictions. |
Delegate: Council Member DeForest(Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 12/15/20) Alternate: Council Member Holliday (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23)) Staff Liaison: City Manager Designee |
Meetings: Monthly (First Monday). *$150 per meeting for Executive Committee. |
Appoint Representatives to Miscellaneous City Affiliations
Name |
Purpose |
Current Members |
Additional Information |
Southwest Riverside County Elected Leaders Collaborative |
A collaborative working group of current and past elected City Council members within the cities of Canyon Lake, Lake Elsinore, Menifee, Murrieta, Temecula, and Wildomar to gather and discuss traffic and transportation regional issues. |
Council Member Stone (Reappointed 1/16/24; Appointed 1/17/23) Mayor Warren (Appointed 4/2/24) Staff Liaisons: City Manager Designee |
Meetings: Rotates the hosting of bi-monthly meetings, which typically involve providing lunch. |
There is no fiscal impact for yearly appointments to the Subcommittees and City Affiliated Agencies/Organizations.