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File #: 23-188    Version: 1
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/12/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/15/2023 Final action:
Effective date:    
Title: Monthly Investment Transaction Report for June 2023
Code sections: GC 53607 - Delegation of Authority
Attachments: 1. Att 1 - Chandler Asset Management Stmt June 23_Redacted, 2. Att 2 - LAIF Regular Monthly Stmt June 23_Redacted, 3. Att 3 - Wells Fargo Sweep Statements June 23_Redacted
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TO:                                                                HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL


FROM:                                           Javier Carcamo, Finance Director


PREPARED BY:                      Geovanny Calvopina, Financial Analyst


SUBJECT:                                          Monthly Investment Transaction Report for June 2023






Receive and file the Monthly Investment Transaction Report for June 2023.




No prior action.



Maintain a high performing organization that values fiscal sustainability, transparency, accountability and organizational efficiency.



This report is filed with the City Council in compliance with Government Code Section 53607, which states that a monthly report of transactions related to the purchase, sale, or exchange of securities is made monthly to the legislative body. The City of Murrieta (City) has both long-term and short-term investments. The City’s managed investment portfolio is for longer-term investments, managed through Chandler Asset Management. The Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), managed by the California State Treasurer, is used for short-term investments and functions more like a savings account to facilitate cash flow.


This report includes funds under management with Chandler Asset Management, funds deposited with LAIF, and earnings from the Wells Fargo Cash Sweep Program. Bond funds held by the City’s Trustee are not included in this report but are on file and available upon request.


The transactions in the long-term investment portfolio for June 2023 include dispositions of $7,900,895.34 in investment sales, which also includes a withdrawal for bank fees of $291.67. Subsequently, these proceeds, together with the monthly interest earnings, were reinvested in security and money market fund purchases totaling $8,120,715.75.


The California State Treasurer allocates and reinvests LAIF interest earnings on a quarterly basis. Quarterly interest earnings are reflected in the statement one month following the end of the quarter. This account's last interest earnings deposit was in April 2023, for the prior quarter. There are no LAIF transactions to report for the month of June.


As of June 30, 2023, the City’s Total Ending Book Value (or what the City actually paid for the investments) for both investment accounts (long and short-term accounts) is $149,321,056.96. Both accounts combined had an overall increase of $150,726.93 or 0.10% when compared to the prior month, which includes any deposits, dispositions, applicable interest earning, and less any realized gain/loss or monthly fees charged to the account.


The City is also earning monthly dividends in the General Checking account. The Wells Fargo “Cash Sweep Program” allows the City to earn a return on uninvested cash balances in our General Checking Account by automatically "sweeping" cash balances into a Sweep investment vehicle until such balances are otherwise needed to satisfy obligations arising in the account.


The total earnings from the Cash Sweep Program for the month of June were $419,718.92.


Included, as Attachments 1 and 2, are the investment portfolio account and LAIF regular monthly statements, respectively, which outline all transactions associated with the respective accounts. Additionally, Attachment 3 is a summary of daily transactions associated with the Wells Fargo Cash Sweep Program.


This report also includes a statement of compliance with state law and the City’s investment policy for the various investment categories.



There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. Interest earnings projections are included in the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Operating Budget.



1)                     Chandler Asset Management Monthly Account Statement for June 2023

2)                     Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) June 2023

3)                     Wells Fargo Cash Sweep Program June 2023 Statement